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Mercury-Xenon HgXe Arc Lamps

Mercury-Xenon HgXe Arc Lamps

  • 產(chǎn)品型號(hào):
  • 更新時(shí)間:2023-12-20
  • 產(chǎn)品介紹:Mercury-Xenon HgXe Arc Lamps contain a tightly controlled mixture of xenon gas and mercury given them thecombined UV spectral lines of an Hg lamp with the IR spectral lines of a Xe lamp.
  • 廠商性質(zhì):代理商
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Mercury-Xenon HgXe Arc Lamps

Mercury-Xenon arc lamps contain a tightly controlled mixture of xenon gas and mercury given them thecombined UV spectral lines of an Hg lamp with the IR spectral lines of a Xe lamp.

 6290Hg(Xe), Ozone Free200 W0.5 x 1.5 mm4500 lm222 cd mm-2
 6291Hg(Xe)200 W0.5 x 1.5 mm4500 lm222 cd mm-2
 6293Hg(Xe)1000 W1.0 x 3.0 mm40000 lm360 cd mm-2
 6295NSHg(Xe), Ozone Free1000 W1.0 x 3.0 mm40000 lm360 cd mm-2
 66142Hg(Xe)500 W2.5 x 3.0 mm13000 lm500 cd mm-2

Mercury-Xenon HgXe Arc Lamps特征


汞-氙 (HgXe) 燈將汞燈的紫外光譜線與氙燈的紅外光譜線相結(jié)合。

Ozone Free Mercury-Xenon Lamps

UV wavelength emissions below ~260 nm create toxic ozone. Ideally, an arc lamp is operated outdoors or in a room with adequate ventilation to protect the user from ozone created. If this is not possible, an Ozone Eater should be used. However, if the application does not require wavelength emission below ~260 nm from the arc lamp, using an ozone free lamp is a convenient option.
An ozone free lamp is coated to remove the unwanted UV wavelengths.

200 W 無(wú)臭氧汞(氙)燈

6290、6291 光譜輻照度

500-1000 W 汞(氙)燈

66142、6293、6295NS 光譜輻照度

Arc Lamp Safety

Arc lamps may emit dangerous levels of UV radiation depending on their source type. Ensure that only authorized personnel are
in the vicinity
of the source, and wearing the necessary safety equipment such as UV protective eyewear, clothing, and gloves. Lighted UV warning signs, posted outside laboratory doors where UV sources are operating, can prevent accidental exposure. Newport also recommends using an electronic shutter to block the beam when the source is not in use but remains turned on. Alternatively, the beam can be safely contained by using beam tubes or fiber optic cables to deliver
the light
to a sample. It is 
recommended to vent the ozone that is produced by some lamp models to the outside or use an Ozone Eater.


Lamp Socket Adapters

 6379燈插座適配器,500 W 汞(氙)燈
 66152Lamp Socket Adapter, For Model 6291 200 W Hg(Xe) Arc Lamp
 66159燈插座適配器,500 W 汞(氙)燈
 66169Lamp Socket Adapter, For Model 6290 200 W Hg(Xe) Ozone Free Lamp


 49123防護(hù)手套,尺寸 8,數(shù)量 3
 49121防護(hù)手套,尺寸 10,數(shù)量 3
 66087臭氧轉(zhuǎn)換器™,110/220 VAC,50/60 Hz
 49126UV 安全護(hù)目鏡,緊密配合罩


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